Upcoming Auctions


Allen Auction & Real Estate has been serving the area for over 46 years and counting.

Let us show you why Allen Auction is your choice for a professional and dependable Auction Service Provider.

The professional auctioneers here at Allen Auction play a “dual role”. Allen auctioneers are first and foremost trustee agents, and therefore have specific legal responsibilities to our clients. Our auctioneers are also directly involved in working with and selling to their customers in an open, public, and competitive arena.

Few professional auction companies have these multiple relationships with both clients and customers. Allen auctioneers realize that their success is dependant upon both the clients and the customers, and they work hard to please both.


The benefits of an Allen Auction:

  • Auctions are the fastest, most efficient, and most effective way to convert property into cash.

  • Establishes the date, time, and place when the property will sell.
  • Sells everything.
  • Eliminates expensive caryying cost.
  • Stimulates competitive bidding between motivated buyers.
  • Often achieves more than the anticipated selling price.
  • Eliminates time consuming buyer/seller negotiations.
  • Focuses the spotlight on your property.
  • Brings many motivated buyers together at the same time and place.
  • Is an effective price setting mechanism that takes into account current variables.
  • Eliminates the need to speculate the fair market value of each individual item.


Hawk Point, MO | Phone: (636) 338-4805
Nick’s Cell: (636) 358-2900 | Kyle’s Cell: (636) 236-2344
E-mail: office@allenauction.net

Upcoming Auctions